Any members in good standing from affiliated locals may sit on a committee. Some committees are still waiting for you! Please attend a Niagara District CUPE Council meeting for more information or email for more.
Young Workers Committee
The Young Workers Committee was formed to get our newest members to understand the basics of our union and make efforts to increase involvement. The committee will work with CUPE Ontario YW on issues that affect them such as precarious work, shift work, low hours, low wage work. It will grow and change as time goes by.
Political Action Committee
This committee is primarily focused on watching and electing labour friendly people to political positions. Once elected we will maintain open relationships with these people and assist them when possible. Another key part of this committee is council watch. This will entail maintaining records of votes and sitting in the chambers to watch the council directly. This will give us insight into who is voting which way, and how we need to respond.
Communication Committee
To convey Niagara District CUPE Council information to rank and file CUPE members. Strategies to be discussed at regular meetings, starting with a questionnaire and survey, then using that feedback to determine barriers, and possible ways to overcome them. In the long term (if this committee becomes a long term), to continue to promote Niagara District CUPE Council through the prompt sharing of information.
Education Committee
Niagara District CUPE Council will strive to provide CUPE members with a variety of current educational courses/modules that are relevant to their needs.
Retirees’ Committee
Social Committee
Women in Solidarity Committee
Pink Triangle Committee
Racial Justice Committee
Indigenous Committee
Niagara Injured Workers Advocacy Committee
Bylaw Committee